Council Meeting Minutes

These minutes were approved electronically on July 20, 2024

Council of Elders Meeting Minutes: 2-July-2024

Members Present:  Wally Bomgren, Linda Kordosky, Loree Petersen, Mike Laseter, Rob Fitzer, Dean Dvorak, Steve Eckhardt, and John Oldfield (ex-officio) Pastor TJ Anderson, Gunnar Unger

Members Absent None

Loree called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

1. Opening Prayer 
Linda opened with prayer.

2. Approval of Agenda 
Gunnar made a motion to approve the amended agenda and Wally seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.

3.  Ratification of Electronically Approved Minutes from June 4, 2024
Linda made a motion to approve the minutes and Steve seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.

4. Review of Annual Meeting Minutes
Steve made a motion to recommend that the Council forward the Annual Meeting Minutes to the congregation for review and approval at the next Annual Meeting. Wally seconded and it was unanimously approved.

5. TJ Anderson Report
a. Staffing Update:
We have a couple of viable candidates for open positions. Interviews are in process, but no offers have been made.
We are working on a transition plan for filling the void that will be created by Pr. Jordan’s call to military active duty.
b. Roseville Worship Leader
A Roseville Worship Leader search committee has been established with the following members: TJ Anderson, Mike Laseter, Mark Mueller, Doug Bergstrom, Sandra Olmsted, and Stephanie Claussen.

The team is finalizing a job description for the position. Upon completion they will prepare to begin interviewing candidates.

6. Land Sale
John updated us on the land sale. On March 4, we entered into the fifth (5th) Amendment to the Purchase Agreement. That amendment set forth a series of milestones and dates for completion. The first in that series required the developer to file with the City of Arden Hills a “2024 Land Use Application” on June 30, 2024. That application with the associated fees was submitted. We will monitor the progress on that milestone and others as they become due.

7. Adjournment
Rob Fitzer made a motion to adjourn, and Mike Laseter seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.

Steve closed with prayer.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert C Fitzer
NHLC Council Secretary

Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills
Saint Paul, MN


Roseville Campus

2701 North Rice Street
Roseville, MN


(651) 797-7800