Next Gen Sunday–Worship, Arden Hills 10:30am

Worship Adults


North Heights is one Spirit-led, Bible-based, Christ-centered church with two locations and an online campus.
*Combined Service  Arden Hills*
Don’t miss this lively Sunday worship led by our next generation! All of the North Heights “next gen” ministries will be gathered during this service: preschool, the academy, dance, karate, youth, and kids. A lunch will be provided after the service (chicken nuggets, fries, and veggies). Let’s celebrate the power and influence our kids have, and let’s praise Jesus together!

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Kids' Church

10:30am, Arden Hills
Sunday School for children: Birth-Grade 5

Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills
Saint Paul, MN


Roseville Campus

2701 North Rice Street
Roseville, MN


(651) 797-7800