Growth Track Class 101

Adults Classes

Sunday, September 18, 9–10am at Arden Hills, room 217
Catch the vision, and join us in fulfilling it! Each of us has a next step of faith to take. Whether you have known Jesus your whole life or are just getting to know him, Growth Track is the place for you to take your next step.
Growth Track has 100, 200, 300, and 400 level classes. The 100 classes are all about getting to know North Heights’ mission and vision. The 101 class is about finding faith. See descriptions below:

101 Find Faith – Have you ever wondered what it means to know Jesus and be known by Him? In this session, we talk about the importance of your personal relationship with Jesus.
102 The Holy Spirit – Who is the Holy Spirit, and what are the gifts of the Spirit? Here, you will learn about the Holy Spirit, the gifts, and how we live those out every day.
103 Discover Your Purpose – Have you ever wondered why on earth you are here? Let us help you see how God made you uniquely you and the purposes He has for you and for all Christians.
104 Lead Lives of Eternal Significance – We are all searching for significance. How do we take our gifts and step into where God has called us?




Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills
Saint Paul, MN


Roseville Campus

2701 North Rice Street
Roseville, MN


(651) 797-7800