Loss of a Spouse Seminar
Adults Care

Saturday, January 11, 12:30 - 2:30pm, Arden Hills, Room 217
Losing a spouse can feel overwhelming and brings a unique pain that others may not understand. With the Loss of a Spouse Seminar, help is available, and hope is possible. At this seminar, you’ll connect with others who understand your pain, learn practical tips for coping, and find reasons to hope.
A Loss of a Spouse seminar lasts about two hours. Here’s what to expect:
- Video seminar: You’ll view a 35-minute video with encouraging, practical advice from counselors, pastors, and widowed men and women.
- Sharing time: Then you’ll get to talk with other widowed people about what you learned from the video. (There’s no pressure to share!)
- A guide to bring home: Everyone receives a booklet with more than 30 short readings on how to live with grief and eventually rebuild your life.