
Connecting with God and others through serving

A great way to live with eternal significance is to serve others in ways God has wired you. 

North Heights offers serving opportunities for all age groups. Indicate your availability and area of interest in the form below, and scroll to read about all the opportunities.

Serve Form

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Serving Opportunities

ruby's pantry food distribution

2nd Saturdays, Arden Hills Campus  
*(Ruby's Pantry for March will be the the third Saturday March 15)*
Did you know that food insecurity is a growing trend in our community? The 2nd Saturday of each month, the North Heights Arden Hills campus becomes a food distribution center for Ruby’s Pantry to help serve up to 200 people in our community. If you have volunteered before, invite a friend. It is a blessing to others and a lot of fun too. Our biggest need is packing food (6:30–8:45am) and distributing to guests (9–10:30am). 

First-time volunteers, must fill out Ruby Pantry's Volunteer Application (select "Arden Hills" as site location). There is a one-time background check. For questions, contact Mark Mueller at 651-491-8896. Ruby's Pantry brochure»

caring community

Be a caring and supportive companion to those who need it most! Caring Community Ministry brings the love of Christ to those who are going through life transitions, grief, and other difficulties. It's important for struggling individuals to have a supportive visitor beyond the family that will listen, emphasize, and pray. Will you consider being part of our team? 

kids' church

If you love to play with kids while sharing the love of Jesus, why not serve two Sundays a month in the kids' church?  You’ll enjoy guiding these kids on their journeys with Jesus. Training is provided with an easy-to-follow curriculum. Volunteers needed to serve at Arden Hills or Roseville. 


The goal of serving in hospitality is being a welcoming first impression for members and especially visitors. This includes parking lot attendants, greeters, ushers, coffee and cookie servers, Connect Center volunteers, and more. 

communion servers

Communion servers are needed at Arden Hills or Roseville. 

technical services

Serve behind the scenes in all things production, technology, videography, and photography. 

worship arts

Help lead the North Heights family into worship. 

arden hills bookstore

Volunteers needed to serve in the book store Sundays 10am-noon and Wednesdays 5-7pm. 

biblical counseling

As you discover your God-given purpose, are you drawn to help people find emotional and relational healing? North Heights Counseling Clinic begins its season of intensive training in September. No experience required. If you are a counselor/therapist with a Master’s degree, your training is shorter. Register by early May at 651-797-7484 and leave a message. An application/interview process follows. Training begins in September.

small group leaders and co-leaders

Have you been with North Heights for a while? Are you familiar with being led by the Holy Spirit and have good knowledge of God's Word? The next generation of Christ followers needs you. Will you prayerfully consider becoming a Small Group Leader or Co-Leader to walk alongside others in their faith? North Heights offers training and resources.

Find faith.
Discover purpose.
Live eternal significance.

Led by the Holy Spirit, North Heights engages all people to find faith in Jesus, discover their God-given purpose, and equips them to lead lives of eternal significance.

Whether you’re young or young at heart, new in faith or mature in God’s ways, we’ll help you take your next step in faith. Join us on a life-changing adventure to know Jesus and make Him known through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Watch live I'm New

Worship times CONTACT US

Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills
Saint Paul, MN


Roseville Campus

2701 North Rice Street
Roseville, MN


(651) 797-7800