A Connection at Ruby's: Faye's Story

Written by Faye Lampman

Our grocery bills were soaring higher and higher, and our family was looking for aid: something to help make ends meet. We were trying to stretch our food and to ease our pocketbook. Upon searching for assistance on the internet, we came across Ruby's Pantry.

I found a location close to home, so we headed out early on a brisk Saturday morning. The line was long, and not knowing if this would even help, I almost turned around. But it was impossible due to cars on all sides all waiting for their turn in line.

A couple of people approached my car, welcoming us and inquiring how many bundles we would like to purchase. Since this was the first time, I agreed to 2. The cost was $25 a bundle, and I had no idea how much groceries I would even get. I paid the volunteer while the other volunteer placed a post-it note on the window and handed me a prayer request card plus a brochure of North Heights church. Being skeptical, I declined to fill out the prayer card thinking, "it won't even be looked at."

As I inched my way to the front of the line, the volunteers continued to be so welcoming: smiling, waving, and greeting me as I drove forward. The one volunteer waved me to stop, and to open my trunk. Several people were lifting boxes and bags into my car while another lady came to my window. She asked me if I had any prayer requests. My heart sobbed as I openly admitted I needed help. She held my hand and prayed out loud with me.

My heart was overjoyed that someone cared and really wanted to come beside me.

Afterwards, I was given a bouquet of flowers: a perk from Ruby's Pantry. As I drove home, I said to myself, I must attend this church. I got home, opened my trunk to discover huge amounts of food. God heard my cries for help with groceries, and He also heard my cries for prayers.

God heard my cries for help with groceries, and He also heard my cries for prayers.

Ever since that eye-opening experience, I've been going to North Heights Church, which was November of 2023. We've joined the Alpha group, fellowshipped at the 'Chosen movie' presentations, women's ministry groups, and other communities.

God has shown his love through this church, and I am forever grateful. 

Would you be willing to volunteer at Ruby's Pantry and continue stories like Faye's? We do this food distribution every month, and we'd love for you to answer the cries for groceries and the cries for help. Find more information here

Posted by Hannah Varberg

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Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills
Saint Paul, MN


Roseville Campus

2701 North Rice Street
Roseville, MN


(651) 797-7800