
North Heights offers opportunities for men to study God's Word, pray together, build friendships, and find a safe place to grow spiritually.

Bible Studies

Real Men

Wednesdays, September 11 –May 7, 6:30–8pm, Arden Hills (part of Grow Wednesday Nights)
Men of all ages and backgrounds come together to build each other up to be more like the true real man, Jesus Christ. Each week, we hear Bible teaching and break into table groups to discuss, encourage, and pray for one another. Meet some great men who love Jesus and the Bible and want to help you become a better man, husband, father, and follower of Jesus. Simply show up on Wednesday, and there will be men to welcome you. Contact TJ Anderson.

Join us for a meal in the Great Hall (5:15–6:15pm), and ministries for Men, Women, Youth, and Children (6:30–8pm). Nursery available for infant–age 3.


Tuesdays, 6–7:15am, Arden Hills Fireside Room
Men meet for worship, devotions, accountability, and prayer. Fill out the form below.

Men of Integrity

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Please contact me with information about Men of Integrity

Journeyman's Council: Widowers' Ministry

First Thursday of the month, 7pm at Roseville Perkins
Come be part of this community as we have discussions over coffee and pie about navigating the rocky path from sorrow to joy. Fill out the form below.

Widowers' Ministry

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Please contact me with information about Journeyman's Council.


Saturdays, 8–10am, Roseville
Prayer, worship, and Bible study for men of all ages. Fill out the form below.

Saturday Morning Bible Study

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Please contact me with information about Saturday Morning Bible Study.


Faithful & Fit

Saturdays, 8–9am, Arden Hills Gym or Zoom
Men and women are invited to this easy-to-follow Christian fitness class to improve or maintain your health with exercise. This includes wellness tips, devotion, and prayer. Invite a friend. Contact Bernice Baker at 651-402-5986.

Find faith.
Discover purpose.
Live eternal significance.

Led by the Holy Spirit, North Heights engages all people to find faith in Jesus, discover their God-given purpose, and equips them to lead lives of eternal significance.

Whether you’re young or young at heart, new in faith or mature in God’s ways, we’ll help you take your next step in faith. Join us on a life-changing adventure to know Jesus and make Him known through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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God is on the Move

See the ways God is moving at North Heights and beyond. Read or Watch now


Explore the ways in which God is reaching the nations through North Heights. Explore now

The Greatest Story

Hear the greatest story ever told. Watch Now

Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills
Saint Paul, MN


Roseville Campus

2701 North Rice Street
Roseville, MN


(651) 797-7800