Team Jesus

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them”

(Ephesians 2:10).

Team Jesus

Meet a small group of mighty men and women of North Heights who give their time, talents, and energy for outdoor projects to beautify the church campuses and community. They like to call themselves: Team Jesus.

Just what have these behind-the-scenes kind of folks been up to? Let's take a peek!

At the Arden Hills Campus, Team Jesus has:

  • Renovated the Plaza playground (over 300-man hours): Removed all play structures, removed the old dirt and replaced with new wood chips, poured new cement sidewalks, and reinstalled play structures. Now the playground is ready for our soon to open Arden Hills preschool!
  • Removed over 1,000 invasive Buckthorn trees
  • Organized Seed Sowing Saturday and planted native grasses and wildflowers to hinder Buckthorn regrowth
  • Took down overgrown Cottonwood trees
  • Rented chippers to produce and distribute wood chips along areas of the campus
  • Vibrated new sand between the bricks (over 300-man hours)
  • Power-washed and re-stained the large gazebo exterior
  • Cleaned and painted parking lot lights
  • Planted 30 small spruce trees, 25 six-foot trees and two lilacs
  • Removed leaves and wood from campus roofs
  • Trimmed or removed trees adjacent to the parking lots
  • Dug drainage trenches between Plaza and Highway 10

Arden Hills

At the Roseville Campus, Team Jesus has:

  • Updated the school’s main entrance with brick flower planting areas, removed overgrown trees and planted new trees
  • Built trenches for water drainage behind the school
  • Updated the back of North Heights Christian Preschool & Child Care rooms with brickwork
  • Filled in a sinkhole
  • Scraped, puttied and applied fresh paint on exterior of classroom windows
  • Weeded and removed old shrubs around the school
  • Trimmed trees in back by the playground
  • Contacted the City of Roseville to remove dying trees on west side of property 


Why do they do it?

Team Jesus members enjoy the camaraderie, fresh air, honest exercise and the satisfaction of knowing their work is an important part of stewarding God’s land at North Heights. If this sounds like you, would you like to be a part of this humble crew? More Team Jesus men and women are welcome.

To volunteer contact Mark Gregory at 651-208-6248


Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills
Saint Paul, MN


Roseville Campus

2701 North Rice Street
Roseville, MN


(651) 797-7800